Wednesday, December 27, 2006


So I think the new restaurant going up in Wellesley where the Figs used to be is a Michael Schlow thing. After all that talk about how it wasn't going to be. At any rate, he's opening up something in Swellesley. And my friend at Bread and Chocolate is leaving because the owner's gone all weird and uncommunicative on her. Dante's hiring (again), Jody Adams is hiring, and thank the lord that bizarro pastry chef at Beacon Hill Bistro is going because those bad-style fusion desserts did not mesh with their menu. They should send him over to Om, where someone if not Rachel Klein herself has Orientalized the dessert menu. I made Claudia Fleming's Coconut Sorbet and don't like the sweetness of it...too sweet, kind of toothachey. Maybe it'll be better with the roasted dates, but I can't afford to buy sherry right now.

How does one make cheffy friends, given that there were only six chances in culinary school adn I consider myself friends with all six of those people? The culinary world is so small and competitive, and the pastry world within that is its own tiny community, and so far the people I've worked for have all been men and all been reluctant to share knowledge...

every baker for herself? really...?

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